Course Numbering System

Level of the Course (First Digit)

The first digit of the course number indicates the level of the course: roughly,

  • 1 and 2 indicate underclass courses;

  • 3 and 4, upper class courses;
  • 5, professional-level and mathematics education courses;
  • 6 and 7, graduate courses.

Subject Matter (Second Digit)

Within the MATH subject area, the second digit often indicates the subject matter:

  • 0, general;

  • 1 and 2, analysis;
  • 3 and 4, algebra and combinatorics;
  • 5 and 6, topology and geometry;
  • 7, probability and statistics;

  • 8, logic;

  • 9, other.

Conversion From 3 to 4 Digits

In the MATH subject area, conversion of courses numbers from the old 3-digit system to the new 4-digit system was accomplished in most cases by adding a 0 as the 4th digit. Exceptions are as follows:

  • MATH 005 becomes 1005,

  • MATH 006 becomes 1006,
  • MATH 011 becomes 1011,
  • MATH 012 becomes 1012,
  • MATH 103 becomes 1300,
  • MATH 105 becomes 1105,
  • MATH 106 becomes 1106,
  • MATH 109 becomes 1009.

Course numbers with 4 digits will be used from summer 2008 forward.
